Senior Research Fellow

Phone: +233-342091490/1

Education / Associations

Bsc (Kumasi), MA (Akropong), PhD (Akropong)

Research Interests

Early Graeco-Roman and North African Christianity
Contemporary African Christology and Missiology
Gospel and Culture Engagement
Mother Tongue Biblical Studies
African Christian Leadership

Courses Taught / Involved

Biblical Texts in the African Context
Biblical Texts on Leadership Formation in the African Context
Power and Leadership from an African Christian Perspective
Studies in Gospel and Culture
History of Christian Thought and Theology of Mission

Roots of Modern African Christianity
Issues in Gospel and Culture – Biblical, Historical and Theological Perspectives
Studies in Early African Christianity in the first six centuries

Current Engagements

Director, Andrew F. Walls Centre for the Study of Early African Christianity (CESEAC)
Fellow, Center for Early African Christianity (CEAC), New Haven, CT, USA

Select Publications

Ɛdeɛn ne nokorɛ (What is truth?) (John 18:38): Exploring the Conception of Truth in Akan Thought and the Fourth Gospel’, Journal of African Christian Thought Vol. 21, No. 1, June 2018, pp.14-24.

‘‘Speaking to the Sacred Tree’: Spirituality, Power and the Physical Environment from a Ghanaian Christian Perspective’, Journal of African Christian Thought Vol. 20, No. 1, June 2017, pp.24-29.

Anthony Balcomb, et al, ‘Spirituality and Hope in Africa: A Study in Five Countries, International Bulletin for Mission Research, Volume 41, No. 4, (2017), 336-346.

‘‘Lord of both the Dead and Living’ (Rom. 14:9): The Continuing Significance of Ancestor Christology in the Third Stage of the African Response to Jesus Christ’, Journal of African Christian Thought Vol. 19, No. 1, June 2016, pp.4-18.

Book Chapter

With Philip T. Laryea, “Portraiture of Thomas Yaw Kani (1877-1962): A Preliminary Study of a Multitalented Akan Christian Cocoa Farmer” in Robert Addo-Fening, Allison M. Howell (eds), The ‘Golden Pod’: Its Religious, Socio-Economic and Political Impact on the Gold Coast and Ghana (Regnum Africa: Akropong-Akuapem, 2018), pp. 147-171.