Prof Gillian Mary Bediako

Phone (office): +233-342091490/1

Education / Associations

BA Honours French & German (Dunelm), MA Honours, PhD Religious Studies (Aberdeen)

Research Interests

Primal faith and spirituality in engagement with Christian faith
Spirituality through the centuries of mission history, including the early European story

Courses Taught

MA: Spirituality – Primal and Christian

MTh/PhD: Christian Faith and Primal Religions of the World, with Special Reference to Africa

Research Methods

Current Engagements

Select Publications

Primal Religion and the Bible, William Robertson Smith and his Heritage (Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997)

‘Primal Religious Thought and Practice’ in Santanu K. Patro (ed.), A Guide to Religious Thought and Practices (London: SPCK, 2010): 19–40

‘The Akrofi-Christaller Institute, Ghana, as an Innovative Model of Theological Education in Africa’; ‘The African Theological Fellowship – as an Innovative Model for Evangelical Theological Education’, in Isabel Phiri & Dietrich Werner (eds.), A Handbook of Theological Education in Africa (Oxford: Regnum Books, 2013): 939–46, 947–55, respectively

(Co Editor) Seeing New Facets of the Diamond, Christianity as a Universal Faith, Essays in Honour of Kwame Bediako (Akropong-Akuapem: Regnum Africa, 2014)

‘Christianity in Interaction with the Primal Religions of the World – A Historical and Global Perspective’, in Wilbert Shenk & Richard Plantinga (eds.), Christianity and Religious Plurality, Historical and Global Perspectives (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2016): 181–207

‘Christian Advancement of the Public Sphere: Kwame Bediako’s Perspective on the Achievement of the Basel Mission on the Gold Coast’, in Robert Addo-Fening & Allison M. Howell (eds.), The ‘Golden Pod’: Its Religious, Socio-Economic and Political Impact on the Gold Coast and Ghana (Akropong-Akuapem: Regnum Africa, 2018)