Rev. Dr. Johnson A. Mbillah
Phone: +233-342091490/1
Email: jambillah@aci.edu.gh
Education / Associations
Dip. Theology, (TTS, Legon), Cert. Mission (Selly Oak Colleges), Dip. Islamic Studies (University of Birmingham, UK), M.Phil (University of Birmingham, UK), PhD (University of Birmingham, UK)
Research Interests
Religion and Politics in Africa
Religion and International Relations
Religious Radicalization and Violent Extremism in Africa
The Shema, Trinity and Tawhid Theological discourse in Interreligious Relations
Courses Taught
Christ and other Faiths in the African Context
Christian Faith and Islam in Africa
Current Engagements
Consultant, Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA)
Member, Board of Reference Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies (CMCS) Oxford, UK
Member, World Council of Churches (WCC) Interreligious Dialogue Reference Group
Patron, PROCMURA Platform of graduates and experts in Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations (ICMR)
Adviser, “The Madina Project.” A project that explores the historical and contemporary modalities of co-existence in the multi-religious and multi-ethnic suburb of Madina, Accra.
Member, WCC “Current Dialogue” Editorial Board
Member, Rapid Response Team (RRT) on Interfaith Issues, Christian Council of Ghana (CCG)
“Interfaith Relations,” in Sunday Bobai Agang, Dion Forster, A., & Jurgens Hendriks (eds.) African Public Theology (Langham Partnership: HippoBooks, 2020), pp. 257-66.
“Politicisation of Religion and Religionisation of Politics: A Thorn in the Flesh of
Christian and Muslim Constructive Engagement in Africa”, in Ulrich Dehn/Thomas Klie (Hg), Hybride Vergewisserungen: Religion in transkulturellen Verflechtungen, (Missionshilfe Veriag, Hamburg 2020), pp.112-122.
PROCMURA – What it is & What it Stands For (PROCMURA Resource Handbook,
“Thorny Issues on Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa: Food for Thought,” in J. A.
Mbillah & J. Chesworth (eds.), From the Cross to the Crescent, (PROCMURA
Occasional Paper, Vol. 1, No. 2, Nairobi, November, 2015), p.1-8,
“The Inclusion of the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations as an Imperative for Theological Education in Africa,” in Isabel Apawo Phiri & Dietrich Werner (eds.), Handbook of Theological Education in Africa (Regnum Books International & Cluster Publications, South Africa, 2013), pp. 624 – 631.
“Religion, Conflict and Development in a Multireligious Context,” in Kenneth Mtata (ed.), Religion: Help or Hindrance to Development? (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt GmbH – Leipzig, Germany, 2013), pp. 159 – 168.
“An African Reflection on A Common Word,” in Christian W. Troll SJ, Helmut Reifeld & C. T. R. Hewer (eds.), We have Justice in Common: Christian and Muslim Voices from Asia and Africa (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., Sankt Augustin/Berlin 2010), pp. 87-107.
“Interfaith Relations in Africa,” in Diane B. Stinton (ed) African Theology on the Way: Current Conversations (SPCK, Great Britain, 2010), pp. 109 – 117
“PROCMURA: A Pioneer in Christian Constructive Engagement with Muslims in Africa,” in Sigvard Von Sicard, David Bone, Johnson Mbillah (eds.), PROCMURA at 50: Where we came from, where we are today, and where we go from here (PROCMURA, Nairobi, 2009), pp.15-27.
“Christian Theological Education in the Context of the Religiously Pluralistic Continent of Africa,” in LeMarquand Grant and Galgalo Joseph D. (eds.) Theological Education in Contemporary Africa, (Zapf Chancery Research Consultants and Publishers, Eldoret,Kenya, 2004), pp. 167 – 179.
“Interfaith Relations and the Quest for Peace in Africa,” in Klaus Hock (ed) The Interface between Research and Dialogue: Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa, (LIT VERLAG Münster, 2004), pp. 66 -79.
“Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa: Historical Perspectives and Current Realities,” in A.C. Temple & J. A. Mbillah (eds.), in Christianity and Peoples of other faith Communities, (Nairobi, Africa Challenge Series, 2001), pp.32-40.