Journal of African Christian Thought (JACT)

The Journal of African Christian Thought is a publication of the Akrofi-Christaller Institute and is indexed in Religion Index One: Periodicals, the index to Book Reviews in Religion, published by the American Theological Library Association, 250  S. Wacker Dr.16th Flr ,Chicago, IL 60606,USA;  website:

The cover design of the journal is based on Adinkra symbols, which are found in West Africa, especially in Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana. Each symbol has a distinctive proverbial or religious meaning. Adinkra means farewell and Adinkra cloth, that is, cloth stamped with Adinkra symbols, is usually worn at funerals as a way of bidding farewell to the deceased. The maiden edition of the journal was published in June 1998. It is published bi-annually in June and December and is in its twelfth year of continuous publication.


GHȼ200.00 for one year, postpaid.
GHȼ350.00 for two years, postpaid.
GHȼ500.00 for three years, postpaid.

African countries:
$25.00 for one year, postpaid.
$40.00 for two years, postpaid.
$60.00 for three years, postpaid.

Other countries:
$40.00/£30.00 for one year, postpaid.
$75.00/£55.00 for two years, postpaid.
$100.00/£80.00 for three years, postpaid.

EU countries:

€30.00 for one year, postpaid.
€55.00 for two years, postpaid.
€80.00 for three years, postpaid.

Payment may be made in Ghana Cedis, US dollars, Euros or Pound Sterling. Cheques or bank drafts should be made payable to ‘Akrofi-Christaller Institute’. All correspondence regarding subscriptions and address changes should be sent to the Subscriptions Assistant at the address below.

Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Missions and Culture,
P.O. Box 76,
Tel: +233-54-1671446


JACT Issues

The following are in PDF format and feature the table of contents and a section of the editorial. The JACT theme is in ().